2018 Idaho House Election Interactive Map

All US House seats to be contested in 2018

Idaho has two congressional districts; both seats are held by Republicans. Although the incumbent is retiring in one, neither district is expected to be competitive in 2018.

To create your own forecast for the midterms, visit the 2018 House Interactive Map.


Hover over a district for details.

District Incumbent Party Since Term Predictions Margin of Victory
Pro Map House(a) President(b)

(a)Source: Ballotpedia (for margins). The margin is the percentage difference between the top two vote-getters in 2016.
More recent results (i.e., special elections held in 2017-18 for vacancies) are not displayed.
* Race was uncontested | ^Top two vote-getters were from the same party

(b)Source: Daily Kos. The margin is the percentage difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.