2024 Michigan Democrat Primary

Date: February 27, 2024
Delegates: 139
  • Pledged delegates are earned on the statewide vote as well as the vote in individual congressional districts.
  • In each case, allocation is proportional to candidates receiving 15% or more support.
  • Automatic delegates are unpledged.
  • The state primary for offices other than president is August 6.

Information is estimated and subject to change. Delegate allocation rules can be very complex; this overview may not capture some details. For those interested in the finer points, we suggest Greenpapers or FHQ.

Estimated Delegates Earned




Source Date Sample Biden Phillips Williamson Other
Emerson College 2/26/2024 406 RV 75% 5% - 20%
MIRS/Target Insyght 1/12/2024 600 LV ±4.5% 73% 3% 9% 15%
Monmouth / Wash. Post 12/14/2023 460 RV ±5% 79% 5% 9% 7%
Emerson College 8/04/2023 503 RV 65% - 5% 30%
Mitchell Research 7/21/2023 268 LV ±6.2% 75% - 4% 21%