2024 Polls: Missouri Governor

Quade vs. Kehoe

Source Date Sample Quade Kehoe Other
Average of 2 Polls† 38.5% 51.5% -
Emerson College 9/17/2024 850 LV ±3.3% 36% 52% 12%
Saint Louis Univ. 8/29/2024 900 LV ±3.8% 41% 51% 8%
Show Me Victories 11/07/2023 407 RV ±4.9% 33% 38% 29%

†The average includes all polls within seven days of the date of the most recent poll, limited to one poll from any source. If there are fewer than five, the window is expanded to 30 days or five polls, whichever comes first. In the latter scenario, if there are multiple qualifying polls on the same calendar date as the oldest poll used, those will also be included.