2025-2026 Governor Election Forecasts
These maps reflect the ratings of a number of quantitative and qualitative forecasters, as well as some consensus projections. Click or tap any of the thumbnails for an interactive version that you can use to create and share your own 2025-2026 Governor forecast.
Cook Political Report 2025-26 Governor Ratings
The nation’s governorships are nearly evenly split between the two parties, with 27 Republicans and 23 Democrats holding office. New Jersey and Virginia hold elections in 2025, with 36 other states to follow in 2026.
This map reflects the current 2025-26 governor race ratings from Cook Political Report. Use it as a starting point to create and share your own gubernatorial forecast.
January 23: Initial Ratings for 2026. Read the analysis ($) >
Inside Elections 2025-26 Governor Ratings
The latest 2025-26 gubernatorial ratings from Inside Elections. Use the map as a starting point to create and share your own forecast for the 38 gubernatorial races to be contested through 2026. This includes 2025 elections in New Jersey and Virginia.
February 6: The initial 2026 ratings are divided between Battleground and Safe. The forecaster will add more granular ratings later in the cycle. 11 of 36 seats (8 Democrats, 3 Republicans) start in the Battleground category.