2020 Senate Election Interactive Map

35 U.S. Senate seats to be contested in 2020

Note: As of December 2, 2020, the Senate was 52-48 Republican, as Arizona special election winner Mark Kelly (D) was seated. While this page is meant to reflect the Senate composition leading into the 2020 election, we’ve temporarily updated the map for this change.

The U.S. Senate has 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats (including two independents). There are 35 seats up in 2020 - including special elections in Arizona and Georgia - of which 23 are held by the GOP. Democrats will need to gain 3 or 4 seats to take control.

This 3-part Senate map lets you view the current Senate, make a forecast for the 2020 Senate elections, and see the composition of the 2021 Senate based on those predictions. Use the buttons below the map to share it on social media or embed it into a web page.

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Map Updated: Jan. 8, 2021 at 19:24 UTC (2:24 PM EST)

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Senate Elections 2020

Current 48 52
Consensus Forecast 49 46 5
Forecast 50 50 0

Forecast: Totals on interactive map

Upcoming Elections

Jan. 2019 2020 2022^ 2024
45 12 12 21
2 2
53 23 20 10

^ Excludes AZ & GA seats with special elections in 2020

* The arrows on the counter above the map designate the controlling party. To break a tie, use the VP box on the interactive map to select the VP in 2021 (i.e., winning party in 2020 presidential election).

State Incumbent Party Since Term Consensus
AK Dan Sullivan
2015 1st
Al Gross
Dan Sullivan*
AL Doug Jones
2018 1st
Doug Jones*
Tommy Tuberville
AZ Martha McSally
2019 1st
Special election winner Mark Kelly (D) replaced McSally on 12/2/20
Mark Kelly
Martha McSally*
CO Cory Gardner
2015 1st
John Hickenlooper
Cory Gardner*
GA Kelly Loeffler
2020 1st
Raphael Warnock
Kelly Loeffler*
GA David Perdue
2015 1st
Jon Ossoff
David Perdue*
IA Joni Ernst
2015 1st
Theresa Greenfield
Joni Ernst*
KS Pat Roberts
1997 4th
Incumbent not running for re-election in 2020.
Barbara Bollier
Roger Marshall
KY Mitch McConnell
1985 6th
Amy McGrath
Mitch McConnell*
ME Susan Collins
1997 4th
Sara Gideon
Susan Collins*
MI Gary Peters
2015 1st
Gary Peters*
John James
MN Tina Smith
2018 1st
Tina Smith*
Jason Lewis
MS Cindy Hyde-Smith
2018 1st
Mike Espy
Cindy Hyde-Smith*
MT Steve Daines
2015 1st
Steve Bullock
Steve Daines*
NC Thom Tillis
2015 1st
Cal Cunningham
Thom Tillis*
NH Jeanne Shaheen
2009 2nd
Jeanne Shaheen*
Bryant Messner
NM Tom Udall
2009 2nd
Incumbent not running for re-election in 2020.
Ben R Lujan
Mark Ronchetti
SC Lindsey Graham
2003 3rd
Jaime Harrison
Lindsey Graham*
TX John Cornyn
2003 3rd
Mary Jennings Hegar
John Cornyn*
The following races are rated as safe for the incumbent party.
AR Tom Cotton
2015 1st
Tom Cotton*
Ricky Harrington Jr
DE Chris Coons
2011 2nd
Chris Coons*
Lauren Witzke
ID Jim Risch
2009 2nd
Paulette Jordan
Jim Risch*
IL Dick Durbin
1997 4th
Dick Durbin*
Mark Curran Jr.
LA Bill Cassidy
2015 1st
Adrian Perkins
Bill Cassidy*
MA Edward Markey
2013 2nd
Edward Markey*
Kevin O'Connor
NE Ben Sasse
2015 1st
Chris Janicek
Ben Sasse*
NJ Cory Booker
2013 2nd
Cory Booker*
Rik Mehta
OK Jim Inhofe
1995 5th
Abby Broyles
Jim Inhofe*
OR Jeff Merkley
2009 2nd
Jeff Merkley*
Jo Rae Perkins
RI Jack Reed
1997 4th
Jack Reed*
Allen Waters
SD Mike Rounds
2015 1st
Dan Ahlers
Mike Rounds*
TN Lamar Alexander
2003 3rd
Incumbent not running for re-election in 2020.
Marquita Bradshaw
Bill Hagerty
VA Mark Warner
2009 2nd
Mark Warner*
Daniel Gade
WV Shelley Capito
2015 1st
Paula Swearengin
Shelley Capito*
WY Mike Enzi
1997 4th
Incumbent not running for re-election in 2020.
Merav Ben-David
Cynthia Lummis