2022 Senate Simulation
Who will control the Senate?
Select the Run Simulation button to conduct a simulated 2022 Senate election. You can choose to have the map populate randomly or based on actual poll closing times.
There are a wide range of possible outcomes for the 2022 Senate election. As a result, any simulation is plausible based on current forecasts, but no individual result is particularly likely to happen. To get a more complete picture, we run 25,000 simulations each afternoon and compile the results.
The current Senate is split evenly. Democrats control the chamber as the vice-president can break tie votes. As a result, Democrats will be shown as ‘winning’ any simulations that end 50-50.

CT |
MD |

Session Statistics
These will reset when you reload the page
Total Simulations: 0
1 Percentage of simulations where party wins the state and control of the Senate.
2 The state that gives one party control of the Senate, when ordering from smallest to largest margin of victory.
Democrats >99.9%
Republicans >99.9%
1 Bellwether percentage for >99.9% states is the same as the overall winning percentage of the associated party.