cnalysis 2024 Presidential Ratings
As of November 4, 2024
The final 2024 presidential forecast from CNalysis. The map is interactive; use it as a starting point to create and share your own 2024 presidential election forecast.
Note that as a result of Census apportionment, some states have a different number of electoral votes in 2024. Use the buttons above the map to see what has changed.
November 4: Arizona Toss-up to Tilt R; Georgia and Michigan Toss-up to Likely D; NE-02 Likely to Safe D; Iowa Likely to Tilt R; Kansas Safe to Likely R; Maine and New Hampshire Likely to Safe D; Nevada and North Carolina Toss-up to Tilt D; Ohio Safe to Likely R; Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Toss-up to Lean D; Texas Likely to Lean R.

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VT |
NH |
MA |
RI |
CT |
NJ |
DE |
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Map :
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva Dies at Age 77
The 12 term Democrat had been receiving cancer treatment
Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire Not Running in 2026
She is the third Democrat to retire this cycle, all in states that represent Republican pickup opportunities
Overview and Live Results: March 11 State House Special Elections
State House vacancies in Iowa and Minnesota will be filled Tuesday. There is also a special State Senate primary in Alabama.
Inside Elections 2026 House Ratings
The forecaster's initial projection shows another tightly contested battle for control in 2026
Rep. Sylvester Turner of Texas Dies at 70
In November, the former mayor of Houston won the seat long-held by fellow Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee
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