Live Results: Alaska and Wyoming Democratic Presidential Contests

On Saturday, Democrats in Alaska and Wyoming will hold their nominating contests. These are party-run events. 

Delegate allotments are small - 15 in Alaska and 13 in Wyoming. These will be allocated proportionately to candidates receiving 15% or more of the statewide vote. 

Visit the Democratic Delegate Tracker to see full results by state and candidate.

Wyoming Democratic Caucus

There is one caucus location in each of the state's 23 counties.  In most cases, the event will start shortly after noon, Eastern Time. Biden will be joined by six others on the ballot, along with an option for 'Uncommitted'.

Caucus results are due back to the state party by 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Timing of the tabulation and release of statewide results is unclear.

Alaska Democratic Primary

This contest has evolved from a mail-in primary to one that will largely be conducted by video conference across each of the state's 40 House districts. The party made the change after Rep. Dean Phillips ended his campaign, leaving Biden as the only qualified candidate on the ballot.

'Results' are expected by 11:00 PM Eastern Time, although that should just be an announcement that Biden has won.

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