1984 Presidential Election Interactive Map

270 electoral votes to win

Change history with the 1984 presidential election interactive map.

Update a state winner by clicking it to rotate through candidates. Alternately, select a candidate color in the Map Color Palette, then select states to apply. Use the edit button in the Palette to update candidate information.

Split electoral vote states - if any - are not interactive. Use the table below the map to make changes.

For full details, see the user guide.

no 1984 election
no 1984 election

Split Electoral Votes

States shown here did not allocate all their available electoral votes to one candidate. The historical split can be edited in this table. You can also use the drop down menu to split other states.

Removing the split () will set the state to undecided and make it interactive on the map.

R D Total   Remove

1984 Actual Election Results

Candidate Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes
Ronald Reagan (I) Republican 525 54,455,075
Walter F. Mondale Democratic 13 37,577,185

1984 Election Facts

  • Mondale's running mate, Geraldine A. Ferraro is first woman on a major party Presidential ticket
  • Reagan received 525 Electoral Votes and over 54 million popular votes. The Electoral Vote total is a record that stands to this day
  • Popular vote totals from Federal Elections 84.
  • Issues of the Day: Recession and Subsequent Recovery (start of bull market for stocks), Defense Spending